Our Mission
Christ's Victory International Mission of Liberia (CVIM) is a nondenominational evangelical Christian
organization that seeks to provide hope by meeting spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional needs
of orphans and hurting people in Liberia, West Africa and beyond.
Our Vision
To reach out to people of every race, social class, and ethnic group with God's love; and to make disciples
of all nations. To refocus and train indigenous people to help others and maximize their potential, and to
rebuild lives and communities by developing citizens of highest integrity and honesty.
In the Inception
David had a clear vision from God of what he wanted to do before migrating to the United States to pursue
advanced academic freedom. David had vision to return to his native country, Liberia after study to help
his countrymen in whatever way he can.
Unfortunately, David's vision was shattered when a civil war broke out in his native country; in which his
father and other relatives were brutally slaughtered by rebel factions. The fifteen-year (1989-2003) civil
war devasted Liberia and claimed the lives of 250,000 people. "I have no reason to go back to
Liberia--since the rebels had killed my parents and relatives," David said. David was infuriated by the
death of his relatives and the destruction of his beloved country.
Having studied the book of Nehemiah, who went back to his home to build the wall of Jerusalem after its
destruction; likewise, David decided to go back home and build the wall for the protection of his people.
David and his wife (Annette) went to Liberia and established the Christ's Victory International Mission of
Liberia on April 12, 1998. They have an orphanage, a High school in Monrovia, and 15 churches in
rural communities of the country. Praise to the Lord for all the lives that have been changed -- especially
the orphans, who are so dear to our hearts and the hearts of our partners.
The Harvest is Great
He said to his disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in
charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields", Matthew 9:37, 38 NLT). Christ's
Victory International Mission of Liberia is inviting you to come to Liberia and help us in any way you
can. Most of all, pray that the Lord's will be done in everything we do to lift up His Name on earth.