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The Future Generation of Leaders for Liberia
These kids will be the future generation of leaders for the new Liberia. They are victims of the 15-year
civil war (1989-2004), that devastated Liberia and claimed more than 250,000 innocent lives.
We have been called by the Almighty God, in obedient to His Word, to feed, shelter, educate, love, uncle,
and to give them hope; because "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit
orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep one-self unspotted from the world", James 1:27.
Please partner with us to take care of these fatherless and unfortunate children by sponsoring one or two
of them today. You will receive a photo, personal biography, and regular updates about your child or
children. Please come to Liberia and help us or pray for God to give us strength, wisdom, and resources.
Below are few photos of our children at the CVIM-Children of Hope Orphanage
The slide show below shows few events of our children at the orphanage---in school, chatting with visitors
from the states, eating, christmas celebration, receiving christmas gifts, and have fun with other friends.
Christ's Victory International Mission is a 501 (c)(3)non-profit ministry. If God moves your heart
to sponsor a kid or kids, adopt a project, donate, or want to join us to come to Liberia to teach for
a year or manage the orphanage for a year, contact us here: zondobleegar@aol.com
Annette distributes Christmas gifts among her children. Every year,
sponsors send Christmas gifts to their children to enjoy. Thanks
We completed fencing the orphanage - Nov. 2015.Thanks to all our
supporters, friends, and family members who sponsored the project.
Christmas celebration-we invited other kids, fed, and gave them gifts.
Thank you so much for helping us to feed the kids and for your prayers.
Children are posing to take a picture with the team from First
Baptist of Palmetto, Florida. It was a great fun and joy for them.